TSMS Athletics...where the Thunder Rolls!
Thompson’s Station Middle School is the home of TSMS Thunder Athletics. The TSMS Athletic Department and sports teams model the vision and expectations established by Williamson County Schools. To learn more about athletics in Williamson County Schools, please see WCS athletic guidelines and requirements. TSMS offers a wide variety of sports in the fall, winter, and spring seasons.
Our goals are:
- Create positive student-athlete opportunities
- Instill responsibility and integrity for athletes as individuals and as teammates
- Provide leadership opportunities through athletics for students
- Build a foundation of athletic success through hard work and effort
WCS FinalForms
This dashboard enables parents and students to complete required athletic forms electronically and communicate with each other during the season. In order to be eligible to try out and participate in athletic programs or activities, all required athletic annual physical forms must be completed electronically through the Williamson County Schools FinalForms online dashboard.
For parents and students new to Williamson County Schools, access to the FinalForms dashboard can be obtained by contacting the TSMS athletic directors or coaches. It is also available on students' Classlink Dashboard on their Chromebooks.
For an athlete to compete in school athletics for the 2024-2025 school year, sports physicals must be dated after April 15, 2024 and uploaded into FinalForms This is a TMSAA Rule. Questions: Athletic Directors, Ashley Schmidt and MIchelle Cermak
Thunder Athletic Club (TAC)
The mission of the Thunder Athletic Club (TAC) is to improve and enhance TSMS athletic programs and facilities for the benefit of all students, coaches, and fans. We support fundraising for all sports, promote participation and school spirit, and provide quality athletic experiences for our students. We would like to invite you to become a Thunder Athletic Club community partner with Thompson’s Station Middle School. We are very proud of the accomplishments of our athletics department and team sports, and we are excited to see what the upcoming year has in store for our students!
Thunder Athletic Club Executive Board 2023-2024
- Chair: Kelly Oakley
- Co-Chair/Communications: Misty Carter
- Concessions Manager: Jessica Smith
- Finance: Daril Blake
- Thunder Auction/Fundraising: Carey Carter
- Sponsorship: Carey Carter
Tickets for Athletic Events
All tickets for athletic contests, both home and away, will be offered two ways. GoFan is an online platform for purchasing digital tickets for all WCS sporting events. Tickets will also be sold at the door if cash is your family's preferred payment method.
Please remember that Athletic Passes are accepted for home games and matches only.
Thunder Athletic Passes
The Thunder Athletic Pass includes membership to the TAC, quarterly newsletters, and admission for your family to HOME games. (Athletic passes may only be used for TSMS events played at home). Family passes are $130 and a single-student pass is $55.
Athletic Yard Signs
Show your support for your favorite TSMS athlete with these yard signs! Individual sport order windows will be communicated by coaches. Email TSMSTAC with questions.
Order TSMS Athletics Spirit Wear
Thunder Athletic Sports Teams will have online sales of sport specific TSMS spirit apparel at the beginning of each sport's season. All information will be communicated through the specific team coach and the TSMS newsletter.
TSMS Sports Teams
Fall Sports
Fall athletic teams begin practice during the summer months before school starts in most cases. The fall athletic season runs from the starts of school until late October or early November.
Winter Sports
Winter athletic teams begin practice during late Fall. The winter athletic season runs from approximately December through February.
Spring Sports
Spring athletic teams begin practice in late February to early March. The spring athletic season runs from March to early May.