TSMS Related Arts Program
Whether it is through Physical Education, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, or technology, passion and talents are unveiled as students are free to express themselves and inspire others in the process. The TSMS Related Arts Program offers students opportunities to grow in their technology skills, fine arts education and appreciation, physical strength and development, as well as the opportunity to learn a Foreign Language.
Students explore related arts classes for 1 quarter, 1 semester, or 1 full year depending upon the course and grade level of the student.
Instructor: Chris Colalillo
6th Grade Band is an introduction to the band world. We learn how to play our instruments in an ensemble setting. Students in the 6th Grade Band get to perform multiple times during their first year. Students will have a great time learning how to play instruments with other beginners. The progress students make in 6th grade is remarkable. We work hard and have fun!
7th Grade Band Membership is open to 7th grade students who have at least one-year experience playing their
instrument. The course is a continuation of the technical training started in the 6th grade. Students will expand their playing ability, improve their range, tone, and technique, enhance their ensemble skills, continue to assimilate music history and theory, and perform individually and as a group. Students will perform in the Winter and Spring Concerts along with other performances. Students achieving a high level will be encouraged to audition for the TSMS Jazz Band, MTSBOA Mid-state Bands, and Solo and Ensemble Festival.
8th Grade Band Membership is open to 8th grade students who have at least two years of experience playing their instruments. The course is a continuation of the technical training started in the 7th grade. Students will expand their playing ability, improve their range, tone, and technique, enhance their ensemble skills, continue to assimilate music history and
theory, and perform individually and as a group. 8th grade students will be working on harder music and be given opportunities to play with the High School Bands/Marching Bands. Students will perform in the Winter and Spring Concerts along with other performances. Students achieving at a high level will be encouraged to audition for the TSMS Jazz Band, MTSBOA Mid-state Bands and Solo and Ensemble Festival.
- There is a $100 fee associated with each band course.
- Duration of class = 1 year
Foreign Language
World Language offered at TSMS
- Spanish 7A/8B At TSMS, we offer Spanish 7A/8B to our rising 7th grade students. This is a 2-year course in which students will earn 1 year of high school foreign language credit. Spanish 7A is completed in 7th grade, and Spanish 8B is completed in 8th grade. Students must complete and pass both 7A and 8B in order to receive a high school Spanish credit. Partial credits are not awarded. The current instructor for both Spanish 7A and 8B is Emily Ayers.
World Language offered through Independence High School
TSMS has a partnership with Independence High School to provide several foreign language classes for our 8h grade students. Typically, a student would begin his/her day at the high school and then get bus transportation back to TSMS for the remainder of their academic courses. Below is the list of foreign language classes offered to TSMS students for the 2021-2022 school year:
- Spanish I Honors
- German I
- French I
- Latin I
Instructor: Ashley Schmidt and Niki Folven
6th Grade - Computer Science: Course Duration 1 Quarter - Instructors are Niki Folven and Ashley Schmidt - Computer Science teaches students that programming goes beyond the virtual world into the physical world. Students are challenged to creatively use sensors and actuators to develop systems that interact with their environment. While designing algorithms and using computational thinking practices, students code and upload programs to microcontrollers that perform a variety of authentic tasks. The unit broadens students’ understanding of computer science concepts through meaningful applications. Partners select and solve a personally relevant problem related to wearable technology, interactive art, or mechanical devices.
7th Grade - Multimedia: Course Duration - 1 Quarter - Instructor is Ashley Schmidt - The Multimedia course is designed to develop and build on computer technology skills. You’ll learn to use a variety of computer software and web tools. Topics that will be covered are keyboarding, Google Drive, Microsoft Office, digital citizenship, and Internet search skills. As a student in this class, you’ll participate in a variety of individual and group projects.
8th Grade - EIC (Entrepreneurship): Course Duration - 1 Semester - Instructor is Ashley Schmidt - The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center (EIC) offers a unique opportunity for 8th grade students in preparation for high school. Accepted students are enrolled in a semester long course where they will get hands-on experience in researching and designing a product or resource with a group. The students will travel to the EIC building several times a year where they will pitch their product or resource to the EIC instructors and peers from other middle schools.
Instructor: TBD
6th Grade - Exploratory Strings This class is an introduction to orchestra at TSMS. Students will explore various orchestral string instruments by learning to play the violin and cello. They will learn basic music reading skills and complete fun class projects incorporating STEM, ELA, and other arts disciplines. No experience is necessary. School instruments are provided!
7th Grade The string orchestra program is open to students who are interested in playing or already playing the violin, viola, cello, or (upright/string) bass. The class will focus on introducing students to the instruments, as well as providing differentiated instruction for students with previous experience. Students will learn the basics of their instruments, music notation, ear training, music history, basic musicianship, as well as teamwork. These are the areas that will continue to be developed as a student continues through the strings program. Students with previous experience can register and may elect to learn a new instrument.
• Please note there is a $100 fee associated with this class.
8th Grade This class is open to all 8th grade students who are interested in playing or already playing the violin, viola, cello, or (upright/string) bass. Experienced students and beginners are
welcome. The class will use a peer-based mentoring model to provide advanced students with leadership training and introduce beginners to the fundamentals of performing. Students will need to rent their instruments (exceptions can be granted on an individual basis). Students
are expected to practice individually in preparation for class and to attend all performances. Advanced students are encouraged to participate in auditions for solo & ensemble festivals, mid-state orchestra, and all-county orchestra.
• Please note there is a $100 fee associated with this class.
Physical Education
Instructors: Andrew Hedges and Chris Binkley
All Grade Levels Physical Education/Wellness is open to students who want to continue developing their knowledge of health, wellness, and sports. You’ll participate in a variety of different physical activities throughout the quarter. Each day, the class will begin with a 10-minute workout which might include circuits, strength training, cardio, or deep stretching. You will also continue to build on your fundamental understanding of sports. These sports might include flag football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, Thunderball, treasure island, pickleball, badminton, gaga ball, etc. P.E. runs for a 9 week period per grade level.
Instructor: Niki Folven
No prerequisites are required. Each class will embark on fun project-based learning that builds student capacity for problem-solving, grit, and working as a team. Students will learn VEX and gain valuable exposure to various CTE opportunities that await in high school.
6th Grade STEM EXPLORERS is the name of the 6th Grade STEM class. STEM Explorers is a fundamental
course for middle school students to search for answers to “What is STEM?” A student proficient in this course will understand science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as a foundation for future careers in Computer Science and Technology.
7th Grade STEM Innovators, the name of the 7th grade class, is a fundamental course for middle school students to understand the relationship between STEM and innovation, as well as explore the possibilities of “What could be?” Upon completion of this course, proficient students will understand why innovation is important and how it benefits society. Students will learn how innovation requires creativity and leads to new discoveries and technologies that make life better for humans.8th Grade STEM Designers, the name of the 8th grade class, is a fundamental middle school course that trains students to define problems and methodically answer the question, “What is the solution?” Upon completion of this course, proficient students understand that engineering design is a process of developing solutions to problems and challenges in order to meet the needs of society. Students continue to apply the practices for science and engineering learned in STEM Explorers and STEM Innovators; however, STEM Designers places more emphasis on practices such as using mathematics and computational thinking; designing solutions; engaging in argument from evidence; and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. In addition to gaining a deep understanding of the relationship between engineering and design, students who complete this course will learn how both innovation and engineering design result in new technologies that benefit humans.
Instructor: Chelsea Craig
6th Grade This class is an introduction to Theatre, including basic acting techniques as well as a glimpse into production, design, and improvisation. Students will build confidence in public speaking and performance. 6th Grade Theatre is nine-week long course.
7th Grade This class is a more in-depth exploration of Theatre, including acting techniques, play analysis, production, design, improvisation, and writing/directing. Students will build confidence through public speaking and performance and exercise their creativity through scene writing and design. Theatre experience is preferred but not required. Theatre students work hard, and are highly committed to their artform. Unlike other classes in this category, Theatre is a semester-long class.
8th Grade This in-depth course, will help students develop acting techniques, improvisation, scene writing, direction, production, sound and lighting design, puppetry, set construction, and painting skills. Students will build confidence, and leadership skills, through performance, and creative problem solving. Theatre experience is preferred but not required. Theatre students work hard, and are highly committed to their artform. 8th grade theatre students work together on producing a one-act play at the end of the year. 8th grade theatre is a 1 year long course.
Visual Arts
Instructor: Becky Bean
6th Grade (9 Weeks) This class is an introductory course in Visual Art. Students will be introduced to a variety of media including collage, tempera, watercolor, and ceramic.
7th Grade (9 weeks) This is an introductory course in Visual Arts. Seventh graders are introduced to a variety of media, including collage, tempera, watercolor, and ceramic. This class focuses on creative self-expression, and no experience is necessary for success; just an open mind and a good attitude.
8th Grade (9 weeks) is a more in-depth course in Visual Art. 8th graders explore various applications of tempera, acrylic, ceramics, including hand building and wheel throwing, printmaking, and more. This class focuses on creative self-expression, and no experience is necessary for success, just an open mind and a good attitude.