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TSMS School Counseling Services

The Counseling Department at Thompson's Station Middle School provides a safe, nurturing, and non-judgmental environment for students to explore social and emotional self-awareness, as well as academic and career opportunities. Students’ development is supported through individual and group counseling, whole group instruction as well as consultation with school and community stakeholders. Counselors also help to coordinate programs such as orientation for new students and Career Fair. They aide with the transition to high school, provide academic support, assist with school, county and state testing. Middle school is an exciting time of growth and change and the counseling department can help parents and students adjust to the transitions that take place during these years.  Please feel free to contact them for any questions or concerns.

As a part of our comprehensive, developmental School Counseling Program at Thompson's Station Middle School, our counselors serve our students, parents, and teachers through a wide variety of services listed below:

TSMS Counseling Staff

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Classroom GuidanceCounselors meet with classes, as needed, to discuss relevant topics such as peer pressure, study skills, calming strategies, career prep, and high school registration.

Individual CounselingCounselors meet with students for confidential individual counseling to address academic, personal, and career concerns. Parents and teachers may refer students, but many students come in on their own.

New Student OrientationTransitioning to a new school can be scary. The counselors at TSMS work with transitioning families throughout the school year in order to ensure our newest members of Team Thunder have a successful transition from their previous schools.

School Psychological ServicesOur school psychologist provides a variety of services at our school. She administers and interprets psychological and educational evaluations; develops school-based intervention programs; counsels students, parents, and teachers on educational and mental health issues; acts as a liaison between the school and community agencies; evaluates program effectiveness; provides crisis intervention; and participates in screening programs which identify students with special needs.

S.T.A.R.S.The STARS (Students Taking a Right Stand) program at TSMS provides prevention education and intervention services (individual, group, and crisis counseling) for students. Some of the areas addressed are bullying, substance abuse, violence, and social and emotional issues. The STARS counselor is available to TSMS students on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

504 Plan EligibilitySchool guidance counselors work with parents to create 504 Plans for any student that qualifies. They provide information and eligibility requirements to those requesting it. When students have a 504 Plan, guidance counselors communicate with teachers to ensure that the plan is being followed.